Friday, March 28, 2008

@ Some Interview questions.

I have been discussing with a close friend of mine, who is going to take interview this year. Evolved answers for some questions.

Why civils after you have such a high paying job ?

  • social status , job satisfaction , challenging work as well as secure career,you could always brag about you working towards bottom line of india's developmentdirectly .. We can think of innumerable reasons. You will take the same role as an CEO of a medium sized company in 5-6 years of service.

Why civils after doing Engineering from reputed colleges such as IITs?

Why engineering as base line , drag on resources of government ?

Any undergraduation , engineering in reputed college in perticular, will train you for life skills and just not for technical skills. These skills are infact a lot more helpful for administration.

some skills to note -

  • we have worked with ppl from different geographical and cultural back drop.
  • we are very good at knowledge extraction. - given a task we know how and whereto get information from.
  • Talk about skills you learn at these institutions .. they dont teach you only technical skills definitely.

A cursory look at job profile of our peers in IITs , they are doing jobs in different sectors - in different banks, NGOs, studied in computer science and working for Electronic companies - not exactly what they have trained for.

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