Sunday, February 27, 2005

Organ Transplantation Act - Euthanasia

Organ Transplantation Act (OTA) , People can donate their organs only after their natural death or after their brain dead. But this law came under serious pressure because of "Venkatesh" incident at AP last december, Where he wants to donate his organs before his imminent death. He is a patient of "Muscluar Dystrophia". Its symptoms being paralysis of the organs which starts from the toe and propagate upwards. So as anyways he is going to die.. he wants to donate his other organs which are not being infected.. His and the people who supporting Organ donation in these cases mainly based a) There are a lot of people who are in need of Organs. b) There is no possiblity of the patient being survived using modern medicine, and no possiblity of discovering one. c) It would be better for the victim to die rather than suffer of these diseases. But High Court turned down his petition by saying it is tantamount to suicide and can not be made as a law as the consequences being undesirable. But it suggests that each such case should be verified and approved by a group of doctors and specialists before granting the right of killing himself and donating his/her organs.

1 comment:

sitharamaraju said...

In Homeopathy, both "Body + Mind" will consider to prescribe medicine for patient. But modern medicine only look after Body and changes with in. So depending on only modern itself can be arguable.
So i would still prefer the present organ transplantation act.